Grew up in Montana,
born in Havre
(pronounced **Have Er**)...
My father was an educator so I grew up in little towns like Culbertson, Wolf Point, Froid and finally graduated from Sidney High School, which is in the North East corner of the state... I played basketball, baseball and golf in high school.
I got a guitar for my 18th birthday and wrote a song on it the next day. I've been writing songs ever since...
Before I even picked up the guitar, I had songs in my head. Things make sense to me that way... Usually I never find the right words when I need them, but later after the dust settles, the right words come... and usually they come with a melody... And while the songs usually say exactly what I needed to say, it's usually too late ! ...
I've written over 200 songs... I learned music from my mom. At age 6, I was singing with my sister Betty Jo who was 7 at the time, and my older sister Jacklyn who was 9.... Jackie played the piano and the three of us sang. My mom grew up in Sheridan County in Montana and she had a trio called the Sheridaners, so I guess it was natural to pass the bug along. I've been touring in Europe primarily since 2000, although I do get back to Rocky Mountain region once in awhile for a small tour. I wrote 37 songs in 2008 and I've penned a few this year, so I think I'll have plenty to choose from when it comes time to hit the studio.....
The CDs I recorded so far are:
1990 Just Livin'
1993 Habits and Hearts
1995 Cowboy Comes Alive
1998 Time Keeps Movin On
2002 A Losin' Soul
2005 Whiskey Salesman
2007 One More Mile To Go
2010 Waltz Across Montana
2011 Country Ballads
2016 Lonesome
2018 Dirt Roads And Fence Lines
2020 A Cowboys`Life